Follow our progress and explore our latest breakthroughs.
Re-Use HöfeAs part of the CBI Booster with RE-WIN, we have collaboratively created a publication that follows and evaluates all the different stakeholders in the window reuse supply chain. The book will be available online soon.
Ecosystem EventWe were invited to pitch our business plan for reusing windows at the Ecosystem Event. This accelerator programme helps over 100 aspiring entrepreneurs to develop and refine their business ideas.
Thank you for an inspiring evening.
FKGWe are now a member of the German “Fachverband konstruktiver Glasbau” in the sustainability working group. The aim of this group is to exchange knowledge from research and industry and thus promote the reuse and recycling of glass and windows in Europe.
Raum für WissenOur research and prototype are now documented in the “Raum für Wissen” platform where selected knowledge of a physical and immaterial nature created in Hall 180 is visualised and placed in a larger context.
Guest expert:
Joint-Master HEIAOn 25.11.24 the joint-master fribourg held his reviews at the Blue Factory. The students spent a whole week working at the 1:1 scale on various re-use materials, including windows. Michelle Schneider was invited as a guest expert to the final review.
CirklaTogether with RE-WIN, we were invited by Cirkla to host a webinar on the reuse of windows in Ukraine and its potential for Switzerland. The webinar will soon be available online for anyone interested in the topic
Start-Up CampusAs part of the Bridge Proof of Concept, we had the opportunity to start the Business Concept Course. This will help us lay a solid foundation for our future startup and provide valuable insights into financing and planning.
Acoustic testing:
in progressWe strongly believe that our re-use window system can also solve many noise problems. We are currently carrying out acoustic tests to prove this.
We are looking forward to the results!
First prototype:
finally here!Thanks to the InnoCheque, we were able to build our first reusable window prototype.
Come and see the prototype in the Werkstückhalle. It’s open every working day from 9am to 5pm.
guarded HotBoxWe now offer an in house testing station that allows us to assess the U-value of any window in just three days, meeting the requirements of ISO 9869-1:2014 section 7.1. These tests can also be carried out at demolition and construction sites.
Tracés 10.24In the November issue of Tracés, entitled “Autopsie du bâti”, I had the opportunity to share my expertise on the reuse of windows and the challenges involved. This conversation was transcribed into an article by Marion Cruz Absi.
ZHAW blogFollowing the successful application for the Proof-of-Concept-Bridge grant, ZHAW’s Research and Development Department wrote a very complimentary article about the “Windows Of Opportunities’ project”. Thank you!
Proof Of ConceptBridge Proof of Concept supports young researchers who want to apply their research and bring innovative products to life. We are thrilled to be among the laureates and to have the opportunity to work on this project for another year with this funding.
we are starting!In collaboration with Tobias Metzger, an experienced carpenter, we began building our first prototypes, ran several tests in the workshop, and most importantly, optimized our production processes.We’re thrilled to bring this master’s project to life and demonstrate the feasibility of the thesis.
Harvesting windows:
in PrattelnWe were invited by Wick Upcycling GmbH to take part in a dismantling session and collect our first windows. Once on site we quickly realised that dismantling is not always as easy as it seems. However, by focusing on recovering only the sashes, we are confident that we can create a highly optimised and economically viable process.
OpenHouse BaselThrough RE-WIN, an organisation that sends old Swiss windows to Ukraine for reconstruction, we had the opportunity to host an exhibition at the Basel 2023 Open House. As part of the event, we organised a window-themed memory game to engage and entertain visitors.
InnochequeIn collaboration with Tobias Metzger of Wick Upcycling GmbH, we were thrilled to receive an InnoCheque worth 15,000 CHF, which will allow us to complete my master’s thesis over the next six months. Our plan is to create prototypes and conduct thermal and acoustic tests to determine if they meet today’s standards.
NominationThe SIA’s Professional Group for Architecture, in collaboration with the Swiss Architectural Council, awards every year a prize for the best Master’s theses in architecture. My thesis was among the nominated projects. Unfortunately, it didn’t make it to the final selection for an award, maybe next time 🙂
TH AugsburgStudents at the University of Applied Sciences in Augsburg organised a conference on Re-Use with guests Yayun Liu from MVRDV, Falk Schnemann from KIT and I, Michelle Schneider from ZHAW. It was a great opportunity to present my Master’s thesis conducted at the Institute of Constructive Design.